Social Changes
Many Americans looked towards newspapers for entertainment and it was their connection to local news. Americans were fond of sensationalist style stories to feed their need for entertainment. This hunger lead some newspapers to fake and sometimes bend the truth on stories so they'd sell more.The Civil War occurred during this time period, and the importance of relaying information and keeping up to date with facts including battle outcomes, soldier deaths, and political occurrences was crucial to society.
Economic Changes
Economic Changes
As a journalism began to evolve and grow into a greater industry, the Industrial Revolution was taking place. Americans were inventing new ways to produce goods and services without as much labor required. Factories were mass produced to make goods, and as a result, the economy of the U.S grew. The penny press resulted from the Industrial Revolution, and because of it, more people were able to afford basic information regarding to the country.
Technological Changes
The introduction of the telegraph caused dramatic change in the society of the 1800's. For the first time, people were able to transpose sentences and messages into series of dashes and dots that could travel cross thousands of miles in no time at all. This was crucial during the Civil War where the North were the only ones who had their hands on this technology, thus making it easier to relay messages to and from the battlefields.
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